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Minimal Investment, Maximum Opportunity. Discover the advantages of becoming an Ambit Energy
Independent Consultant. Free Energy. It’s a no-brainer. I’ll show you just how easy it is when you become an Ambit Energy Consultant or an Ambit customer.


Financial Freedom


What makes an Ambit Business so attractive? For one, everyone uses energy. All you’d be doing is offering them a better value for something they already use every day. And when you bring in other Consultants, you’ll be doing a lot more than offering value – you’ll be changing lives. And once they spread the word, the rewards – both financial and emotional – can be enormous.

Starting a New Business


When starting a New Business it can be pretty scary. When I decided that I was going to take charge of my financial life, I felt alive. When I actually start putting my words to action I felt butterflies in my stomach. I have actual fear thoughts. You know those thoughts, “what if I fail”, “what if I disappoint my family”, and many others. But then there was that big question we all ask ourselves, “what if I don’t try”. I believe not trying is the biggest disappointment of all. You have failed yourself. We all may stumble, or fall in our emotional, financial, mental, and physical life. But when you get up to try again it makes you stronger. You build your confidence, and you start to realize “YOU CAN DO THIS”. I’m a proud mother of 4, and I teach my kids that saying the words “I CAN’T” is not an option. I tell them in life there will be trials, but it’s how you overcome the trials that will build your character. You must have strength, faith, and courage in yourself to accomplish your goals. I believe God has placed me in the in the right place with the right company, at the right time.

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